Stop! Before Vacationing With Baby Read These 10 Tips
by Jen Stoddart
Your first vacation with your baby can be exciting and it
also takes some advanced planning to ensure its success.
Our list of 10 things to consider will help you plan a
successful vacation for you, your partner and your baby.
1. Food and water. If you are going to a popular,
well-developed location like Cancun, or a major European
city easy access to water and food for your baby will not
likely be a problem. If your vacation entails travel to
remote areas, or even on a cruise make sure that you know
how and where you will get water and food for your baby
during the trip.
2. Be self-sufficient when it comes to medications. Bring
the medications that your baby may need for fevers, upset
stomach, rashes, ear infections and diarrhea.
3. Think about your accommodations more when you are
traveling with a baby. When it was just the two of you
traveling you probably didn't spend much time in your
room-or in your cabin if on a cruise ship. Things are
different when traveling with a baby. They will be napping
and they will need more time in the hotel room or cruise
ship cabin. Because of this you might want to upgrade your
room to one that has a balcony. The balcony gives you more
room-and it also will allow you and your partner to better
enjoy the extra time that you will be spending in your room.
4. Reduce your expectations. Anticipate that your vacation
will not be as jammed packed as it used to be. Plan your
day's events around some time to stop and play and exercise
with the baby. Identify the vacation places that each of you
really want to see or visit on the trip - and then agree
upfront that each of you will have times to see what they
want to see while the other parents looks after your baby.
5. Guard against too much time in the stroller for the baby.
Taking a comfortable stroller with you on vacation is
important - just make sure that your child doesn't sleep too
much during the daytime. Many babies love to fall asleep in
their stroller - which might cause them not to sleep well at
night. Make sure there are plenty of opportunities during
the day to take the baby out of the stroller and play with
6. Takes direct flights when flying. When possible avoid
connecting air flights. Flying for babies is not always
easy. The change in air pressure during take-offs and
landings can be hard for babies.
7. If you plan on bringing a travel bed with you on your
trip don't wait for the vacation to get the baby accustomed
to sleeping in it. A couple of days prior to your trip let
the baby start sleeping in it to get them used to it.
8. If you are renting a car during your vacation consider
bringing your own car seat. That way you will know how to
install the seat in the rental car and you will know that is
a safe and comfortable seat for them to ride in.
9. Vaccinations. Check with your baby's doctor 6 to 8 weeks
before the trip to ensure that your baby has all the
necessary shots before they travel.
10. You will need many items for the baby during the trip -
they won't take up much room when you pack - but you will
want to make sure that you have everything that you need.
Make a list of the items that you will need for the baby
during the trips. And review the list before you go and make
sure that you have everything with you that you will need.
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( Packing for a Cruise
Vacation With Baby that has lots of ideas to consider when
planning a cruise vacation.